We provide fiduciary training, counsel and oversight to all clients on an ongoing basis. We are well aware that every decision and every action involving a client's funds has potential consequences and must be conducted with the highest level of fiduciary prudence. We promote fiduciary standards and duties as the bedrock principles upon which all investment activity is based.
As part of our ongoing client service and at no additional charge we provide all clients ongoing educational seminars designed to enhance awareness of their responsibilities and to avoid the pitfall of lapsing standards. In most cases, fiduciary education begins during the policy making process as a means to the development of common understanding and policy consensus among boards and management.
Over time, fiduciaries will be challenged to adapt to changes in fiduciary law and standards, evolving markets, changes in liabilities, operations and overall investment objectives. Each may require a renewed commitment to existing policy standards or the promulgation of new policies and standards. In other cases, there may be new board members or committee members who need an orientation to the client's investment philosophy and portfolio.