Program Reviews
As prudent fiduciaries, institutions are compelled to take a hard look at the objective truth about their investment program's weaknesses, as well as strengths. This may be the result of audit requirements or even regulatory concerns. In any case, clients need to know the current state of their investment programs.
This means a detailed analysis of the efficacy of investment policies and practices to ascertain whether a program has yielded the intended results. In other words, has a client been successful based upon its goals, objectives, standards, acceptable risk levels and portfolio restrictions, or not. If not, then what needs to change and how does the institution make those changes.
Our approach is to collect all data and investment related information and subject the program to a thorough process of organization, analysis and synthesis to reach an objective conclusion on the current state of affairs. This means providing an institution with the knowledge and tools to make course corrections where necessary and to retain those elements that have functioned and succeeded.